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Working from Home


Working from Home

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For many of us, working home sounds like a dream but it's not without its drawbacks. While most of us get up every morning and start our daily routine to get ready for work, thinking about how great it would be to stay at home and work in our pajamas, those working from home actually need to have discipline and treat a normal work day like the rest of us. One of the many problems with working from home is that it's far too easy to take a quick nap or get distracted by something else, like daily chores or kids playing. Here are some of the thing you should do when working from home.

Designate a work area:

This should be the area where you can go and focus on working for several hours. You should be able to have your work papers or equipment set up in this area and it must stay there. This is key. We should also point out that this place should be practical for everyday of the week. While it might be great to work under a tree on a warm Summers day, it's not ideal when it's raining.

Create the right environment.

Light, bright and fresh is what you want. A comfortable chair and maybe a radio playing some upbeat music quietly in the background. Bring in some plants for some greenery and if you want to take it one step further, here is a list of plants that purify the air in your home. You need to create the environment that right for you. Somewhere that you enjoy working every day. If you are distracted within 15 minutes of being in there, change the environment.

Keep to a schedule:

We are all guilty of hitting the snooze button in the morning and it is even harder to leave us warn comfy bed when it is cold and raining outside. Keeping to a schedule is vital when working from home. You need to separate work time from home time as it is easy for the two to overlap into each other. Figure out what works for you and stick to it.

Healthy Snacks:

Stock up on healthy snacks. You will thank yourself later. It's easy to whip up a sandwich quickly between Zoom meetings or grab a rusk or 2-minute noodles because you don't have time or not in the mood to make something. Having some healthy snacks in your draw or fridge will help you in the long run.

Author Gated Estates
Published 04 May 2020 / Views -
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